I am Linping YUAN (袁林萍), a Ph.D. candidate at HKUST VisLab, at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Huamin Qu. Before that, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 2019.

My research interests lie in the intersection of virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), human-computer interaction (HCI), and data visualization (VIS). I design and develop algorithms, interactive tools, and visual analytic systems to facilitate the creation of various artifacts, including 2D visualizations and infographics, AR data videos, and VR animated stories. Specifically, my research 1) provides computational creativity support by mining design practices from large datasets with deep learning techniques, and 2) adopts data-driven approach to facilitate creators understand and improve the way audience interact with their artifacts.

Latest News

Our paper VisTellAR Embedding Data Visualization to Short-form Videos Using Mobile Augmented Reality has been accepted by IEEE TVCG. We proposed an amazing tool to create AR data videos!
Our paper Generating Virtual Reality Stroke Gesture Data from Out-of-Distribution Desktop Stroke Gesture Data has been accepted by IEEE VR 2024! It is an important milestone in my journey to becoming an independent researcher.
Our paper VirtuWander Enhancing Multi-modal Interaction for Virtual Tour Guidance through Large Language Models has been conditionally accepted by ACM CHI 2024. It is an interesting exploration to see how LLMs can enhance VR experiences.
I am very excited to start a new journey at Intelligent Interactive Systems Group in University of Cambridge as a visiting student, supervised by Prof. Per Ola Kristensson.
The exhibition China in Maps - 500 Years of Evolving Images has been launched in HKUST! Glad to be an AR developer in this amazing project.
VR data story is a promising and interesting storytelling form. Wanting to know how to design an effective and interactive VR story? Check our recent IJHCS paper From Reader to Experiencer!
Our research proposal Augmenting Situated Visualizations with Tangible User Interfaces was awarded over 1M HKD by the General Research Fund, the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
I was awarded a HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award for the second time.
Our paper Exploring Interactions with Printed Data Visualizations in Augmented Reality VIS was awarded a 2022 Honorable Mention Award and invited to present in IEEE VIS 2022 and SIGGRAPH Asia 2022.
I was awarded a 2022 Style3D Graduate Fellowship. Thanks for the generous support to my research!

Generating Virtual Reality Stroke Gesture Data from Out-of-Distribution Desktop Stroke Gesture Data

Linping Yuan, Boyu Li, Jindong Wang, Huamin Qu, Wei Zeng
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (2024)

Exploring Interactions with Printed Data Visualizations in Augmented Reality

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2022)
Honorable Mention Award

InfoColorizer: Interactive Recommendation of Color Palettes for Infographics

Linping Yuan, Ziqi Zhou, Jian Zhao, Yiqiu Guo, Fan Du, Huamin Qu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2021)

Deep Colormap Extraction from Visualizations

Linping Yuan, Wei Zeng, Siwei Fu, Zhiliang Zeng, Haotian Li, Chi-Wing Fu, Huamin Qu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2021)

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